Sunday, February 21, 2010


So I know this blog is more a project for me to write down all of my recipes in one place so I can make a cookbook for my daughter but I wanted to let all of my readers (yes all 16 of you) know that you can put in suggestions. If there's a recipe you'd like me to put up of something or you hear me make something and want the recipe here just let me know. You can do so by leaving a comment here and I'll try to start adding the recipes here. The more recipes I can add and do the more I can add to my book for Arianna. So feel free to leave all the suggestions you want for recipes you'd like to see posted up. Also, I wanted to let you know that you are free to leave feedback on my recipes. Negative or positive feel free to leave it. If you try a variation of the recipe or change something don't hesitate to leave that in the comment so others can try it out and see if they like it!! I love hearing people's opinions on my recipes and what variations they do. It makes it interesting.

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